Wednesday, September 26, 2018




Our task is to create a front page music magazine and also include a double page spread article about an artist.  From our prelim task which was to create a fashion magazine I learnt what a magazine lay out looks like and also what works and what doesn't. In that prelim task I was also taught how to use Photoshop and also how to give the audience what they want by doing things such as a questionnaire or quizzes.  I'm really looking forward to this project because I have a passion for music and I really enjoy listening to all different types of music. I hope I can produce a magazine that shows my kind of taste in music as I mainly enjoy hip-hop, rap and RnB. I plan to give my magazine a edgy/hip-hop theme as that's the kind of music I listen to and also enjoy.
I'm not really looking forward to all the planning and research ill have to do. In my prelim task I let myself down by not researching enough and also not posting my process of how I got the ideas I did. In this project I plan to stay on top of all my work and post processes and do as much research and planning as I can to make this magazine successful. Id also like to improve my editing, even thou I was taught how to use Photoshop I was quite lazy as I knew I could do more but I just couldn't be bothered, on this music magazine project id love to try to edit and make my magazine look as professional as I can.
My initial ideas of what my product will be influenced by the answers I get from my audience research as ill be able to see what young teenagers like to see and also what will make them buy my magazine.

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